Monday, July 16, 2012

Basil Croutons

Those of you who have never made your own croutons will never look at store bought and gasp at the price thinking " I can make a ton of these at home for that price!" Really.. it's that easy. You can use any type of bread, seasoning you like. Works wonders on stale bread.

I didn't put any measurements on these, because simply, there aren't any.  Feel free to taste as you go also.
large lipped pan
Bread, any type, cut into 1/2 inch to 1 inch cubes
oil of your preference
garlic powder
fresh or dried basil
Arrange bread cubes on pan, drizzle with oil, add seasonings and bake  at 350 till crispy. Be careful, they burn easily!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I've missed this one. and truly did not know that you could make healthy croutons by simply baking the bread in oil. always thought they needed to be fried! tusen tack :)


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