Friday, October 12, 2012

Cinnamon Roll Dutch Apple Pie

After seeing the crust recipe on Pinterest about 1,001 times, I finally went for it. Combined with the apple filling, and the topping...heaven on a plate!  I have to totally give all the credit to Taste for Adventure, but I  wanted to have it here on my blog for easy reference.
First is the crust.. the video is on Taste for Adventure's site, it is just pie crust, I had to use two, but you spread about 2 tablespoons butter on the rolled out crust, sprinkle with a bit of sugar and cinnamon...

 Then roll up and slice as evenly as you can.

Press into pie plate and up the edges, don't leave any holes. Brush with melted butter. ( this was my addition so the crust doesn't get soggy. )

Fill with about 8 cups of sliced apples mixed with about 1/4 cup sugar and 2 Tablespoons flour. 
I forgot the pic on this one.. oops, LOL
Then top with 1 stick softened butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 
( you make a struesel topping by combining all ingredients)

Like she said, it looks obnoxiously huge but it does shrink while baking, which, by the way, is 40 min at about 400. I did use the directions exactly, and I should have checked it a bit sooner...

OOPS, I forgot the icing... I have a 3 year old mind you that has to be watched while all this is happening.. 
Icing~ 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 2 teaspoons milk, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1/4 teaspoon vanilla..

it may not be pretty, but sure is a delight! I used Granny Smiths and some Cortland for the apples. 
Thanks so much for reading, I hope you try this soon!

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