I had saved all of my old Myspace blogs in my email, and digging them out slowly... of course this year there is absolutely NO snow whatsoever here in New Hampshire. We are taking Ryan, now 4 years old, back here to "The North Pole" this evening to meet Santa in his home, have some hot cocoa and cookies and enjoy the lights.
Merry Christmas everyone!
~December 2008~
"I'm sure most of you have heard about our Northeast weather lately... we got an ice storm last week that knocked out hundreds of thousands of houses power..
Then got hit with a foot or so of snow the other day.. now getting another foot and 1/2 today and tonight! Got shovels?

Way out in the middle of nowhere in Cornish, New Hampshire, there is a "North Pole" We didn't know about it unil last year when a friend of ours showed us. This year we went on a Sat. night , while it was snowing like crazy..next time we will make sure we have snow tires.
The kids enjoyed it, all the lights, which "Mrs. Claus" starts setting up in September. It takes her 2 moths to take it all down.. they serve coffee, cocoa, and cookies, pass out "snowman poop" (mini marshmallows in a bag). pass out festive plastic trays, stockings for the kids, candy canes, and give you a baggie of " Magic Reindeer Food ( a mix of oatmeal and colored sprinkles you sprinkle on your lawn to attract the reindeer to your house Christmas Eve).
I wonder how much the power company charges Santa for his electric??

This is the kitchen.. it took me a minuite to realize there was actually a kitchen under all the decor!

Part of the living room, my pics came out blurry.. had to delete quite a few, but you get the idea, I hope..

My little "angels" ha

The backyard.. isn't it crazy! And this is only part of it!

The "smoke" is actually MY BREATH.. that's how cold it is up here..

Today is just laze around the house, take pics of whatever...the roads are dangerous, not going out anywhere..
Leaving you with pics of Ryan and a recipe for hot chocolate...

2 oz. semisweet chocolate (2 squares)
1/3 cup sugar
4 cups milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
pinch salt
whipped cream or cool whip
Place chocolate, sugar, milk, and salt in a 2-quart saucepan over medium-low heat. Heat, stirring, until chocolate melts and mixture is well blended.
Add vanilla; pour hot chocolate into cups. garnish with whipped cream, shaved chocolate, cocoa powder..
Hot chocolate recipe serves 4.
Add vanilla; pour hot chocolate into cups. garnish with whipped cream, shaved chocolate, cocoa powder..
Hot chocolate recipe serves 4.

Thanks for reading, hope you got some enjoyment :)
Hugs and Merry Christmas!

oh, this is what it's like at 3:50 pm on Sunday... woo hoo!

Kim, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
wow, bet you don't miss shoveling that snow on Christmas! lol! I can't believe that is Ryan, where has the time gone? He was so tiny!
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